“I am impressed that you reached out to patients and wanted our input. That is truly rare. It helps us to feel valued!”
— Patient Insight Network Member
About Our Network
Our Patient Insight Network is a highly engaged group that have expressed interest in sharing their experiences, expertise, and time to engage as partners in health-related research. Researchers can partner with the Institute to integrate use of the Patient Insight Network into pre-research data collection projects (prep-to-research), research governance or advisory committees, and other patient-centered/ patient-driven research focused activities.
The Patient Insight Institute has established strong relationships with a diverse network of patients and caregivers from a variety of conditions and backgrounds– all with the common experience of having experienced access or affordability challenges.
Formalization of this network was partially funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award (#20016-PAF).
Join our Patient Insight Network
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